Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third

Life is the first gift,
love is the second,
and understanding the third.

Sometimes, we think of why friends keep forwarding
mails to us without
writing a single word...
maybe this could explain why...

When you have nothing to say,
Still want to keep contact,
Guess what you do,
You forward mails.

When you have something to say,
But don't know what,
But don't know how,
Guess what you do,

You forward mails.

When you have something to say,
But don't know why,
Guess What you do,
You forward mails.

When you are still wanted,
When you are still remembered,
When you are still important,
When you are still loved,
When you are still cared about.

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